Chinese New Year 2011

Chinese New Year is one of the biggest celebrations of the year in the Chinese culture. This holiday has built up many traditions over the centuries. Chinese New Year is also known as Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival. This holiday is a 15-day celebration that starts on the first day of the Chinese lunar month. Each New Year also brings about a new animal from the Chinese Zodiac. For example, 2010 was the "Year of the Tiger." And 2011 will be the "Year of the Rabbit" and will fall on Feb. 3. The 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
Chinese New Year also brings about many practices that are seen around the world. For example, during the celebration, there will be a passing of red envelopes. Usually, adults give these red packets to children, or the married will give to the unmarried. These envelopes almost always contain money. This practice signifies the passing of good luck for the New Year.
There are many traditions that are practiced around the world, but one of the most important aspects of the New Year is the food. During the festivities, families will gather dinner on a nightly basis and partake in traditional foods that also have significant symbolism.
In addition, there are many phrases that are pronounced throughout this wondrous celebration, but the most important one to know is: Gong Xi Fa Cái.

Chinese New Year Snake 2013

It’s the 2013 Chinese New Year of the Snake. Yes, after the turbulent and Yang energy filled year of the Dragon, it’s the turn of the calm and Yin filled Snake. So what does the Chinese zodiac say about Chinese New Year 2013 SnakeHoroscope?
2013 Chinese New Year Snake Zodiac – Personality
Occupying the 6th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Snake symbolizes such character traits as intelligence, gracefulness and materialism. When it comes to decision- making, Snakes, (the animal of 2013 Chinese New Year Snake) are extremely analytical and as a result, they don’t jump into situations.
They are effective at getting the things they want, even if it means they have to scheme and plot along the way.

Snakes, the animal of 2013 Chinese New Year of the Snake, are very materialistic creatures, preferring to surround themselves with the finest that life has to offer. This is especially evident in the home, where luxurious furnishings and surroundings help Snakes seek the peace they need in order to thrive.

Chinese New Year Snake 2013 – Health

Snakes like living a life of calmness, preferring quietness over noise and a manageable workload rather than a schedule that’s overly-booked. Snakes, in this Chinese New Year 2013 Year of the Snake, become easily stressed when their lives aren’t peaceful or in order. Too much of this way of life can shorten a Snake’s life!

Chinese New year 2013 Snake – Career

Snakes do work very hard, but they have a tendency to be job-hoppers as they become easily bored. Their somewhat laid-back attitude causes them to be mistakenly categorized as slackers, but nothing could be further from the truth! Snakes, of the Chinese New Year 2013 Snake, are very creative and extremely diligent. They’re excellent problem-solvers and thrive under tight deadlines. Good career choices for Snakes include: scientist, analyst, investigator, painter, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, dietician, and sociologist.

Chinese New Year of the Snake 2013 – Relationships

Snakes are excellent seducers so they never have trouble attracting others. However, they’ll be the ones to decide when a relationship has potential and when it does not. Once they’ve chosen a partner, a Snake’s insecure side will begin to show through. Snakes guard their chosen partner much like a prized possession, becoming jealous and even obsessive. Snakes, the animal of this Chinese New Year 2013 Year of Snake, prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. It’s important never to betray a Snake’s trust as a betrayed Snake will make it a goal to get even some day!

Chinese New Year 2013 Year of Snake – Compatibility

The Snake, in this Chinese New Year of the Snake 2013, is compatible with a Rooster and an Ox and incompatible with a Pig and a Monkey.

Year of the Snake

Viral! Ponsel Meledak Saat di-Charge

#INFOCJR – Ponsel meledak kembali terjadi, kali ini kejadian naas dialami oleh seorang gadis remaja di Kp. Susukan, Desa Susukan, Kec. Campaka, Cianjur. Ia menjadi korban saat sedang asyik menelpon dengan kondisi ponsel di-charge. Atas kejadian tersebut, gadis remaja yang bernama Siti Nurhalifah (15), menderita luka bakar hingga melepuh disebelah wajahnya. “Ponsel tiba-tiba meledak saat nelpon sambil di-charge, kejadiannya hari kamis tanggal 20 agustus 2020, sekitar jam satu siang,” kata Rustandi (@ruzzt92) yang merupakan saudara korban. Sontak, Lanjutnya, korban langsung dilarikan ke Puskesmas terdekat. “Alhamdulillah korban untungnya masih bisa sadarkan diri, hanya saja kondisi masih lemah dan shock,” cemas dia. Ada beragam penyebab mengapa sebuah ponsel dapat meledak, salah satu penyebab yang sering muncul adalah panas berlebih pada bagian dalam ponsel yang kemudian memicu terjadinya ledakan. Kasus tersebut bukan yang pertama kali terjadi dan tidak hanya menimpa satu merek ponsel saja. Bahkan kasus ponsel terbakar atau meledak juga pernah terjadi pada smartphone mahal sekalipun. (Ris)